
Friday 16 March 2012

India travels and a little robot fella

So the lack of blogging has been down to the fact that I've been away in India!! I went to the Tamil Nadu region to do some volunteering for the Safe Foundation. (If you click the link you can see the project I was working on ).

I got to do some great crafty work with local gypsy women who make amazing bead work purses and jewellery. I was sent over to try and share my crafty recycling knowledge and ended up trying to share how to create various things out of plastic bottles!

I did a little talk for a group of teachers too, so we could maybe set up a project teaching local kids about recycling!

One of the most amazing toys I think I've ever seen!!

Did enjoy a bit of intestine ripping at a roadside temple! I love the colours, everything is so sun-bleached and dusty but is really vivid.
Saw soo many elephants too!

Since I've been back I haven't had much time for making, but I did manage to squeeze this little fella out ;) for my friend Chris' birthday. I had a book given to me few years ago called Crobots and decided to take some inspiration from it but design my own! He's only about 4" tall but super cute.

I'm also feeling quite inspired and ready for spring after seeing this super kawaii little shoe display in River Island. Now those who know me, know that I ain't much of a heel wearer, but I could be convinced with either if these paired with the frilly socks! yum yum!

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