
Monday, 11 June 2012

Screen Printing on Recycled Fabrics

Today I have spent the day down the PrintHaus with Becca who runs Green City, a company which promotes sustainability and green living through interactive public events. I'm running a work shop at the next event which is on the 30th July called Cardiff One Planet Festival - check out the Fbook event for more details. In prep for the day we've been making some big flags, so I thought I'd share a sneaky preview before they're finished.

We've used all recycled fabrics, mainly old curtains which I always love using!! I've also got some bamboo poles that I scavenged from a uni friend about 7 years ago. My Dad I'm sure is grateful he's gaining some more garage space back!

I can't wait to get some pics of them all up and blowing in the wind!!

I also spent Saturday at the PrintHaus doing some of my own work. It was good fun and I'll get the final project up here shortly but for now a sneaky peak at a few of the prints and one finished article!!

1 comment:

  1. They're lovely, I love all the different fabrics you used, they make lovely backgrounds!
