
Saturday 27 October 2012

Love the Weekend!

Ah this weekend is definitely a good one! My gorgeous sister and family are down visiting from London, it's my friend Becca's birthday and all systems are go at CFQ!!

I had fun picking a new outfit out from my rail of clothes for my display mannequin this morning. I've gone with one of my handmade tops, a cute sailor collar and some revamped shorts! What do you think?? I know its the end of October but it's warm inside!

Yesterday I thought it would be fun to get the ol' spray paint out and re-do a frame that I've had kicking round the house for ages. It was a gordy gold and not very appealing; much better now!

I made a birthday handbag for Rebecca too! Craftster have some awesome tutorials on making things and I used this one as a guide for the bag. I cut up a beautiful old pillowcase and found some plain bright cotton for the lining.

Also at CFQ this week I revamped a lamp with a couple of pretty braids and I painted a few arrows on the door showing people the way!

Come say hello!

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