
Friday, 25 January 2013

No Rain in These Clouds just Fluff!

I've not been very well this week so thought I'd share something nice to cheer up everyone's day! I've made a couple of cloud plushy cushions. They are so super easy and fun to make too.

I started off by cutting out a simple cloud shape from some blue and white polka dot fabric and appliqueing on a smaller cloud shape in a blue and white stripe. I love the combination of spots and stripes. It was always considered a fashion faux when I was growing up and I do love going against the grain eh! haha.

I used a zig zag stitch to secure the mini clouds and then putting the right sides together used a straight stitch to sew around the edge, leaving a small gap at the bottom to turn it through of course.

To get the fabric to sit well on the curve when turned inside out you need to notch into the seam allowance. This will insure the fabric doesn't buckle and look all lumpy.

Once it was done I gave it a quick iron and went crazy with my big bag of toy stuffing!

Voila a pretty cloudy sky for your sofa!


1 comment:

  1. Awww, these are really sweet. I think they would be especially cute in a baby nursery. I'll have to remember this for my next baby shower :).
