
Sunday, 17 March 2013

Sticky Image

I found a pile of mirrors with really wide frames at the charity shop this week. I prefer the aesthetic of a wider frame for decoupaging piece of comic books onto them as you can still follow the story. 

A pot of ModPodge and a pile of old annuals later...

I also picked up a few picture frames so have worked some revamp magic with those too. The foxes come from a Dandy annual but I used a few sheets of origami paper to create the patchwork effect. I love the combination on the patterns and colours.


  1. I really like the mirrors, I have one like that from Ikea somewhere, I really must do something with it!

    1. Yes I thought they were probably ikea ones. It was one of those great charity shop finds - they were all bundled together in a box under a shelf! :D

  2. They look great! I really love the X-Men one ^_^

  3. Is there a local shop you buy your mod podge from? I'd rather support local retailers than an internet giant.

  4. Alas in Cardiff there isnt only big stinky companies sell it :(

    1. Ah, that's a shame. Which is the big stinky company of your preference? I'm looking for some for an interesting project. I'll let you know about it when I've finished ;)
